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Je to úplne šialené!! Keďže prichádzajú futbalové Majstrovstvá Európy, máme v Crazy Factory nové plugy, falošné pírsingy, pírsingy do pupka a kryty na mobilné telefóny v národných farbách, aby ste mohli povzbudzovať svoj tím. A čo je najlepšie: S trochou šťastia tieto fanúšikovské kúsky získate úplne zdarma! Ako na to: Ak si kúpite fanúšikovské plugy, falošné pírsingy, pírsingy do pupka alebo kryty na mobilné telefóny v národných farbách niektorého tímu pred zahájením majstrovstiev 10. júna 2016 a táto krajina sa stane Majstrom Európy, nákupnú cenu týchto výrobkov vám pripíšeme na zákaznícky účet vo forme bodov Crazy Cash. Ak tvoj tím získa titul, za fanúšikovské výrobky nezaplatíte ani cent. Ale to nie je všetko: Okrem toho budeme rozdávať tri úžasné hlavné ceny medzi všetkých, ktorí si zakúpia výrobok s vlajkou- 3 ročné predplatné vo Factory! To znamená, že 3 víťazi dostanú počas jedného roka mesačne 1000 bodov Crazy Cash v hodnote 10 EUR, takže celý rok budú môcť nakupovať (takmer) zdarma. Pri kúpe každého fanúšikovského výrobku budete automaticky zaradení do zlosovania.

Terms and Conditions of Participation

  1. Any recourse to the court of law is excluded. Crazy Factory GmbH hosts this raffle because we want to reward the loyalty of our customers. We do not want to annoy anyone nor do we want to have arguments with anyone. Especially not in court.
  2. Crazy Factory GmbH is the organiser of and contact for this raffle.
  3. All "fan-products" purchased between 16.05.2016 and 10.06.2016 12.00 o'clock Central European Time are eligible for the retroactive crediting of Crazy Cash Points of the purchasing value of the product.
  4. Each order containing one or more fan-products placed between 16.5.2016 and 10.7.2016 is additionally eligible for participation in the raffling off of the three main prizes. In addition, a written notice to Crazy Factory, Am Heiderhof 2, 40880 Ratingen, Germany serves as an option to enter the draw.
  5. Crazy Factory GmbH will be raffling off three “Yearly Subscriptions” as first prizes. A subscription constitutes twelve monthly pay-outs of 1000 Crazy Cash Points worth €10 each over the period of one year. A cash payment of the Crazy Cash Points isn’t possible.
  6. The winners of the first prizes will be determined randomly at the end of the competition. The winners of the Crazy Cash Points vouchers will be determined by the winner of the European Football Championship.
  7. The winners will be announced after the raffle on 20.07.2016 on our Facebook fan page and they will be contacted via email. You can only win if you are reachable for 72 hours after the raffle has ended, we can successfully verify your identity (using a copy of your ID) and you acknowledge winning the raffle. The trip has to be completed within 3 months after the winners have been announced.

By participating in this raffle you accept the terms and conditions of participation.